Wednesday, 14 December 2011

What makes me happy?

Women sharing and caring makes me happy no matter where I am in the world. Being born a woman to me means supporting another woman to reach her dream, listening with an open mind, being grateful on a daily basis and losing myself in clothing - I love clothes, love the way fabric feels on my body.

On days when I am tired, I find taking my homeopathic medicines, a vitamin B and some bright pieces of clothing allows me to get through my day. Over the years I have found that we as women need to embrace each day as time does fly.

I thought to myself when I was a younger woman I never really appreciated the body and mind that walked with me as much as I could have. It wasn't until the other day when I was trying on some jeans that I realized how much my body had changed. I said to myself from this day forward I will love my body, mind and health as it is a gift.

As I move through the years I know myself so much more and I say to women I meet-"if you don't blow your own trumpet, you might wait a long time before someone gives you the praise you deserve"

Step up and sing on your platform as you get ready for the best Xmas you have organized and surrounded yourself with women who inspire you. Seize the moment and realize it is all we have. Live in gratitude by acknowledging your achievements. You are unique after all and tell the world right now.

I feel blessed that I can continue networking and meeting women I wouldn't have otherwise met had it not been for my love of Homeopathy & Clothing!

Keep shining today and always, Susan

I thank you all for sharing and caring

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