I had the time of my life on 11.11.11 in Port Melb hotel - I love networking and sharing with other woman. Every time I create a platform for women to get together it is always supported by love and integrity. A group of woman got together last night and the energy was so uplifting that it felt as if we were the only people there. There were no pressures on anyone that came except to just be and enjoy. This is where the power of the sisterhood was felt. Laughing, talking and listening Positively lifted everyone who came.
It made me think what if we just followed what felt right Within our soul how happy would we be. A year ago I hadn't met these girls but today I stand enriched by each of their lives, knowing about their lives, kids, husbands, pets and what inspires each of them. I even learnt that 2 of my new friends are belly dancers and we plan to have a group session in December. When my friend spoke of her dancing she lit up like a Christmas tree and I knew at that moment we were all validating her. This would not only further inspire her but her whole family. Why - happy mum =happy family!
As the night progressed the smiles on everyone's face seemed permanent and I knew this has a positive effect right down through to the cell networks that carry each of us. Women who hadn't connected in the past all received hugs and they too became members of a sisterhood that was created on the spur of the moment.
I jumped out of bed as though I had bathed in love, happiness and compassion - how good does it feel to be part of this. Being born a woman is a life pass into the sisterhood and I highly recommend we connect to assist with the pressures daily life puts on us.
Our health can be fostered through communicating and feeling part of the sisterhood. Connect with your sisterhood and dance, sing and shine this weekend! Enjoy, Susanx
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